Do you have a treatment centre?
Can you give me medical advice?
Can I speak to someone from Thrive Alive Foundation on the phone to discuss my application?
Will I receive a tax receipt for donating?
What is integrative cancer care?
This area of medicine receives minimal or zero funding in the Canadian healthcare system. Statistically, it estimated that more than 80% of patients living with cancer use some form of integrated care, most of which is paid for out of pocket.
Evidence suggests that integrative care are helping people manage their cancers better, enhancing quality of life, increasing survival even in advanced cases and saving lives! Again, this is largely paid for privately which limits the full potential of this area especially in those with limited or exhausted funds.
Is government medical coverage the same in each province?
What does private insurance cover?
Private healthcare plans vary and so do coverage plans; thus one of Thrive Alive Foundation’s education goals is to create greater awareness on this subject as a good private insurance plan can provide timely support.